One is a leader One is a liar One is unfiltered and real One is polished and fake One wants to unite our country One wants to divide our country One wants to stop threats from entering in our country One wants to welcome threats to our country One is a master at negotiating One […]
How You Can Help The Homeless
You Need It More Than Them Acknowledging the very existence of the homeless people in your community is a good first step. However, acknowledgement is only the beginning of what you can and should do for people who could profoundly benefit from your assistance. No one is telling you to sell all your possessions. I […]
A Passage To Peace In Hard Times
The Passage To Peace In Hard Times is: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33 Jesus is speaking to his disciples, before his crucifixion, to have peace even in […]
Protect You And Your Family’s Life, As You Know It
Two weeks ago today, my precious sister passed away in a tragic car accident. It was a Friday evening she was headed to the mall and then Chucky cheese with her three young children. It was raining all day that day and obviously the roads were slick. I received a phone call saying she ran […]