Pictures Taken At Just The Right Time


The Next Level Olympics Put it back when your done. Just when you thought you were having a good day.. King Ref it too good for this game. I wish they were shooting video instead of a picture on this one. She’s often mistake for a beach at the supermarket. Just move it down to […]

Only the Elite are “Dressing Down”

Dressing Down elite mark zuckerberg

The New Attire of the Elite The new sign of success is no longer the Brooks Brother’s suit. The best dressed CEO’s are not clamoring for the latest Armani suit or the best shirts money can buy, the new breed of CEO is wearing sneakers jeans and a hoodie to all the important corporate announcements. […]

A Passage To Peace In Hard Times

A Passage To Peace In Hard Times short

The Passage To Peace In Hard Times is: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” ~John 16:33 Jesus is speaking to his disciples, before his crucifixion, to have peace even in […]

At One Glance This Church May Not Look Like Much, But Then…


The architect group, Gijs Van Vaerenbergh, built this church in Borgloon, Belgium. It doesn’t look like anything special… from certain angles. From other angles, the structure reveals itself to be something else entirely. A building that’s almost entirely see through. It consists of 100 layers of stacked steel, that are equidistantly staggered in a way […]

Protect You And Your Family’s Life, As You Know It

Family Holding Hands On Beach

Two weeks ago today, my precious sister passed away in a tragic car accident. It was a Friday evening she was headed to the mall and then Chucky cheese with her three young children. It was raining all day that day and obviously the roads were slick. I received a phone call saying she ran […]

15 Beautiful Barns in Tennessee You Will Love!


My wife and I have always been a big fan of barns and the lifestyle that comes along with em’. We plan on buying a place one day that either has one already or we will just get some land and build our very own. BUT until then I can look can’t I? While I […]

How To Hack Panara Bread’s 30 Minute Wifi Limit (On a Mac)


Sometimes, inspiration strikes in the least unexpected places. You may find yourself in a coffee shop, and suddenly, your creative juices start flowing continuously. Fortunately, many cafés and pastry shops these days offer Internet access to their patrons, making it easier for someone like you to whip out your laptop and start working. One such […]

Daughter Passed Away and Left A Secret Message

Secret Message

A girl named Athena Orchard who lived in Leicester, England. She was very active in sports, particularly boxing. She was fun-loving, pretty, and very dependable, so much so that her parents trusted her with the care of her younger siblings – six sisters and three brothers in all. Sometime before Christmas one year, Athena discovered a […]

Some Archaeological Finds Your History Books Are Not Telling You

Zhejian Tunnels

There are some archaeological finds that are not being reported in the history books. Some of the finds seem like it is something you should know about. The archaeological finds listed below are not yet being reported on and may never make it into the history books. The Unfinished Obelisk Unfinished Obelisk uncovered in Egypt […]

5 Castles That Are More Affordable Than Apartments in San Francisco


1. You could buy this castle in the Midi-Pyrénées of France for $2,659,569… It’s built on the foundations of a Roman outpost that dates back to the 14th century and spans over 1500 square meters. It has 7 sitting rooms, 9 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, as well as fountains, an English garden, and stunning views. ….or this studio in the Lower Haight for […]